October 16, 2009
How to Make Great Decisions
Paul Dalton is a Hypnotherapist and Personal Development Coach / Trainer with bags of experience in helping people change their lives for the better, combining skills from: hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, life coaching, leadership effectiveness, metaphysics, motivation techniques, and more.Paul is also the proud creator of http://pro.netatlantic.com/t/16362689/70980170/89279/0/ - a Personal Development resource website for everyone interested in the fields of human potential, self-improvement and positive living. Visit Life Happens today for:*** FREE "Deep Daily Relaxation" Hypnotherapy MP3 (22 mins) *** FREE Personal Development Podcast: Life Happens LIVE *** FREE "5 Steps to a More Fulfilling Life" E-Course *** FREE Articles and Daily Coaching Blog *** FREE Life Happens Café: Personal Development Forum ***
October 14, 2009
The A, B, C, Ds of a Healthy Financial Plan
Curious about what you need for a healthy financial plan? Read on and you will find out.
First, have • A plan that includes the following four areas:
• B udget
• C redit
• D ebtt
• S avings
Budget: Start with a simple written plan (budget) of the monthly net income coming into your household and how much is going out. This plan will be the cornerstone of your financial future and allow you to maintain a reasonable lifestyle while paying down debt and saving. You need to know what is coming in before it is spent while keeping priorities in mind. Housing, food, and basic utilities (gas, electric, water, and sewage) are the top three priorities, followed by auto loans, secured loans and school loans. It is also a good idea to track your expenses for a month by saving either receipts or recording all purchases in a small notebook. It is easy to lose track of the little things, and little things add up to big things. A $1 cup of coffee each morning on your way to work equals $260 a year. These so-called small expenses are little leaks in our budget that can easily be plugged and redirected toward either savings or paying down debt.
Credit: Be aware of what your credit report says about you and make every effort to make it as accurate and positive as possible. This is important because whether you are applying for a loan or credit, applying for a job, or even renting an apartment, chances are that your credit report will be viewed. You want to have every opportunity that comes with good credit. Here is the link for the only authorized online source for your free annual credit reports. Also, be careful not to build debt in an attempt to build credit -- they are not the same. Do not max-out credit limits. Paying all bills on time and paying down your balances will help you to build a good credit report, which leads to the next area, Debt.
Debt: Now that you know how much money comes into your household after taxes and what goes out, take a closer look at your debt. Total your monthly credit payments, excluding housing, and compare it to 20% of your net income or divide your total monthly credit payments by your monthly net income (payments exclude housing and include: auto loans, school loans, and personal loans as well as credit cards or other accounts that have a balance on which you are making monthly payments).
Watch for these warning signs of too much debt:
• Total of your credit payments exceed 20% • Struggling from paycheck to paycheck • Running out of money before pay day • Making only minimum payments on credit card balances • Skipping one payment to make another • Putting off doctor or dentist bills • Using a credit card to pay for things you used to pay for with cash • Arguing over money and bills• Afraid to total your debt If any of these signs hit close to home, work hard to reduce your debt with these suggestions: • Stop using credit cards.• Pay cash.• Pay down balances and always pay more than the minimum on credit card balances.• While making payments on all bills, apply extra money to the highest interest account.• Work with your creditors to negotiate rates and arrangements.• Consider debt consolidation or a lower rate balance transfer.• If you are still having problems meeting your debt obligations, you may want to talk with a professional. Check with the human resources department of your employer to see if you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). With this program, you may be able to access free and confidential help. Also, you may want to contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling to locate a credit counselor near you. Savings: Build up your emergency savings to $500 and strive to have at least three months of your net income saved. With this cushion, you will not have to resort to credit when faced with an emergency. Once you see where your money is going and you begin to pay off debts, you will be able to save more. Look into other forms of savings such as Certificates of Deposit (CDs), IRAs, or even a college fund for your child. Do not neglect your retirement savings. Check into the programs available where you work such as a 401K, and make sure you contribute enough to get the maximum match. Helpful tips for saving: • Pay yourself first. • Use direct deposit or payroll withholding so you don't see it. • Save any additional income such as bonuses, overtime, tax refunds or extra paychecks. • Set financial goals and keep them visible. Do you want to take a vacation, buy a house, or payoff a debt? This will motivate you to save. • Save your loose change. Now that you have a plan, follow these suggestions to keep you on track: • Stick to your budget and continue to save. • Pay bills on time. • Pay balances in full on credit cards, and only charge what you can afford to pay off each month. • Keep your debt-to-income ratio under 20% (excluding housing costs). • Track spending when money seems tight. • Be a smart shopper. Comparison shop for everything, not just food and clothes, but also credit, insurance, banking, phone, and Internet services, to name a few. Terms and fees vary greatly and change frequently. • Check, review, and correct your credit reports every year. Remember the A, B, C, Ds: • A Healthy Plan includes: • B udgeting - what is coming in and going out • C redit - use and reports • D ebt - keep a close watch and avoid overload • S avings - both emergency and retirement Be proactive and take time to review your plan.
October 13, 2009
October 12, 2009
How to Work with the Law of Attraction to Find a Job
Manage Your Thoughts & Emotions
Make a decision to focus ALL of your thought and emotional energy on ALREADY being employed NOT finding a job. Do NOT focus on anything negative or contrary to what you want. This is very important. The faster you convince your subconscious mind that you are already employed, the faster the Universe will move everything and everyone to accommodate your request. So how do you do this? Feel good! Feel good as you see yourself getting up for work everyday and are convinced you are employed. Picture yourself receiving a handsome weekly paycheck. See yourself paying your bills on time and looking forward to your payday. Feel the feelings of job security and job satisfaction as you picture yourself busily going about your day productively completing tasks. Get excited! You have a job! Did you hear what I said?! You have a job! Feel it in every fiber of your being and your emotions will follow and soon manifest it.
Manage Your Mouth
Resist the urge to verbalize worry about where your next dollar is coming from but instead be thankful! Feel grateful for getting a job and say "I am so thankful that I am working and I love my job! I am so happy every morning as I get up and look forward to going to work. Thank God I found a job so quickly! I look forward to paying my bills on time and providing generously for my family. I am so thankful that I get along well with my team and management. I am so thankful that I am a huge asset to my team and I feel appreciated and valued. I love my job!
"Lights! Camera! ACTION!
Make something happen! If you want to find a job quickly your day must be filled with productivity. Before you go to bed each night picture your daily routine for the next day. Picture yourself preparing your clothes the night before, getting up the following morning and getting ready for work. Resist the urge to change your routine. If the kids took the bus to school before, don't start taking them now that you have more free time. Don't start spring cleaning or waste your time catching up on TV. Resist the urge to sleep-in. You must get up everyday, fully-dressed and ready to work. During the normal 8 hours of a work day you should polish up your resume, call business contacts for networking opportunities, do on-line training to increase your job skills and of course, remember to keep a guard over your thoughts and mouth. Keep feeling the joyous feelings of being employed!
Expect it!
Expect to be called for an interview and offered a job. Expect to be fully prepared to wow your employer. You are valued beyond explanation. You are a valued resource that a company is looking for right now. You deserve financial security and job soundness. It is your heritage and birthright as child of God. Did you know that your job is actually looking for you with the same intensity that you are looking for it. You'll know that you are on the right track because everything you do feels good and is fun. You are enjoying yourself and already beginning to feel peace in knowing you are employed. Believe it! Doesn't that just make you want to jump up and give somebody a High-Five!
October 10, 2009
The law of attraction is surprisingly simple: Like attracts like. It becomes a bit more complicated when it comes to training our minds to think in ways that will bring what we desire into our lives. The term "self-fulfilling prophecy" describes the same law. This well-known term explains that we create the circumstances our mind dwells upon, whether positive or negative. So our goal is to practice consistent presence of mind to make sure our thoughts are always directed toward the positive and that which we want to create. A key to the process is the word "frequency." This is true for two reasons: 1) The frequency you use when you passionately dwell upon or revisit a thought, dream, desire or goal provides the energy your musings need for creation; and 2) just like a radio station broadcasts on a certain frequency, like the radio you must be "tuned in" to receive it. This means preparing for the arrival of your dream on every possible level—material, physical, and spiritual. You don’t have to know how it will come into your life, just trust that it will. Your job is to lay the groundwork, follow any leads you can find, and prepare for its arrival. This can mean cleaning out your garage to make space for a new car, taking a tour of a model home to get the feel of it in order to feed your fantasies, or thinking of what you want in a mate and then living up to that list yourself. Just like with any skill, the law of attraction must be practiced. We must decide what makes us feel abundant, and use our imagination to create the feeling. It isn’t enough to just want something; you must use the power of your thoughts to attract it. A series of choices is what brings us everything in our lives right now, every moment. When we know the direction we want our choices to take us, it is as if we’ve placed an order with the universe. Then we can await its arrival with joyful anticipation. If we find ways to experience our dreams right now, we make creating joy a treasure hunt in which the seeking is just as much fun as the finding.
October 8, 2009
why we are ......
Why our life is going to same way,unchanged,because we are not taking any risk in our life.we are going through the life,what we are now.at the school stage we follow our text book and not thinking what is happing in outside world. we learn from the text book and write the examination and getting the degree....but not capable for take the risk in the society.
Fear, sacrifice, procrastination, ingrained habits -these are the obstacles standing in the way of happines. so we need distroy all this obstacles to improve our life. the main thing in our life is that to think about the action and make the action
October 7, 2009

October 5, 2009

October 4, 2009

October 1, 2009
Three Success Principles

Step #1 The Right Attitude!
Charles Swindoll is famous for his writings about attitude and one of the things he talks about is the fact that attitude can make or break a company, a church, a home...or an individual. He emphatically teaches us that we have a choice, every day, regarding the attitude we will embrace.
You can choose to win or choose to worry about winning – at everything. Your job, your health, your finances! Creating a positive attitude is not an accident – and not something that magically happens to you.
Of course, deciding to have a great attitude and making it happen are two entirely different things, aren’t they?
How many times have you been clear and positive about what you wanted to do and then got stopped, dead in your tracks!
What I found is that one of the most important things about having a great attitude is that having someone else as your partner really helps! Sometimes it takes support…more about that soon!
Step #2 Making the Right Choices!
We make hundreds of choices every day.
What do you choose?
Do you spend an hour working out so your heart can be healthy as you move forward in time or do you sit on the couch and read a magazine and eat pizza?
Do you choose to spend an hour watching your favorite reality series or will you read a great book, meditate or attend a yoga class?
Do you spend money on yet another fleeting leisure activity or on an educational program whose information will last you a lifetime?
I like to ask this question before each decision I make:
"What will be the impact of this choice in two weeks, two months, and two years from now?"
Step #3 Developing the Right Relationships!
I can accomplish a LOT in one day. Pretty much anything I set my mind to – and part of what makes that possible is the people I surround myself with – personally and professionally.
Having people in your life who are committed to your success is absolutely essential to realizing your greatest potential. Having someone who...
Supports your dreams
Has the knowledge and wherewithal to guide and mentor you through tough decisions
Show you areas where you may have a blind spot or tunnel vision
Empowers you to achieve all that you want in life