October 16, 2009

How to Make Great Decisions

How many times in your life have you put off doing something because you couldn't decide the best course of action to take? I've known people plan to go out for a well earned meal with their partner and end up staying at home because they couldn't make up their mind between Chinese or Italian. Heaven help the person who orders sweet and sour chicken when all along they should have been having lasagna! Can you imagine what it is like for them to choose between a staying in their job or take a gamble on starting that business they always dreamed of?The fear of making bad decisions prevents people from doing all kinds of things that they might be better off doing. The truth of the matter is there is no way of knowing which direction a particular choice is going to take you. You can spend years ruminating over every possible outcome while in the mean time watching the world move on around you. It doesn't change the fact that, no matter what you choose to do in the end, it might all turn out right and it might all turn out not so right.But none of that matters because the secret to making great decisions is falling in love with making mistakes.A lot of people will not make the distinction between making a mistake and making a bad decision, but there is a world of difference, and realizing what that difference is can literally turn your life around and set you on a whole new path.A mistake is literally doing something in a moment that you think is for the best but later turns out to be not such a good idea for you. A bad decision is doing nothing to correct that mistake and then letting the consequences of it define you for ages afterwards.Here are a few of examples:Mistake = Getting into a relationship with the wrong person.Bad Decision = Sticking with them and being miserable for the rest of your lifeMistake = Choosing Bognor Regis rather than Cuba for your annual holiday.Bad Decision = Looking for everything you can find to hate about Bognor just to prove you were right about how you should have gone to Cuba! And then going back to Bognor next year! (Bognor is a wonderful place by the way).Mistake = Going into business without having some sort of a plan.Bad Decision = Injecting more and more of your personal finance, sweat and tears into it just to prove you can make the damn thing work.Making a good decision is not about knowing the outcome before it has had a chance to happen. It is about committing to ANY course of action you FEEL is for the best and then paying attention to the lessons you are later presented with. It is the skill of interpreting the information generated by what has happened and choosing to either do more of the same or change your approach -- even start again in some cases. In the same way that an airplane reaches its destination by continually measuring how off track it is from the set flight path and adjusting its course to get back on track, the same is true for good decision making.Making a decision in any area is not a one time event; it is an ongoing and organic process that must evolve as life unfolds.Today's Homework:Think about a decision you have been putting off making. What are the possible choices you have?Just for a moment, let go of analyzing which choice you think you should make and just listen to your body; your intuition. If I were to flip a coin and the rules were Heads you choose option A and Tails you go with option B, which side would you secretly hope for, deep down, before knowing the outcome?Just go with your instinct and do something to start to make that choice happen. Be willing to make a mistake, knowing that the only bad decision you can ever make is to not do something about the things you didn't want to happen.If things go wrong be willing to make a mistake in the opposite direction because, who knows, it might turn out to not be a mistake after all, but rather the realization of your dream!No matter what your situation you always have choice. Don't worry about having to choose wisely; that's overrated.
Paul Dalton is a Hypnotherapist and Personal Development Coach / Trainer with bags of experience in helping people change their lives for the better, combining skills from: hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, life coaching, leadership effectiveness, metaphysics, motivation techniques, and more.Paul is also the proud creator of http://pro.netatlantic.com/t/16362689/70980170/89279/0/ - a Personal Development resource website for everyone interested in the fields of human potential, self-improvement and positive living. Visit Life Happens today for:*** FREE "Deep Daily Relaxation" Hypnotherapy MP3 (22 mins) *** FREE Personal Development Podcast: Life Happens LIVE *** FREE "5 Steps to a More Fulfilling Life" E-Course *** FREE Articles and Daily Coaching Blog *** FREE Life Happens Café: Personal Development Forum ***

October 14, 2009

The A, B, C, Ds of a Healthy Financial Plan

Curious about what you need for a healthy financial plan? Read on and you will find out.

First, have • A plan that includes the following four areas:

• B udget

• C redit

• D ebtt

• S avings

Budget: Start with a simple written plan (budget) of the monthly net income coming into your household and how much is going out. This plan will be the cornerstone of your financial future and allow you to maintain a reasonable lifestyle while paying down debt and saving. You need to know what is coming in before it is spent while keeping priorities in mind. Housing, food, and basic utilities (gas, electric, water, and sewage) are the top three priorities, followed by auto loans, secured loans and school loans. It is also a good idea to track your expenses for a month by saving either receipts or recording all purchases in a small notebook. It is easy to lose track of the little things, and little things add up to big things. A $1 cup of coffee each morning on your way to work equals $260 a year. These so-called small expenses are little leaks in our budget that can easily be plugged and redirected toward either savings or paying down debt.

Credit: Be aware of what your credit report says about you and make every effort to make it as accurate and positive as possible. This is important because whether you are applying for a loan or credit, applying for a job, or even renting an apartment, chances are that your credit report will be viewed. You want to have every opportunity that comes with good credit. Here is the link for the only authorized online source for your free annual credit reports. Also, be careful not to build debt in an attempt to build credit -- they are not the same. Do not max-out credit limits. Paying all bills on time and paying down your balances will help you to build a good credit report, which leads to the next area, Debt.

Debt: Now that you know how much money comes into your household after taxes and what goes out, take a closer look at your debt. Total your monthly credit payments, excluding housing, and compare it to 20% of your net income or divide your total monthly credit payments by your monthly net income (payments exclude housing and include: auto loans, school loans, and personal loans as well as credit cards or other accounts that have a balance on which you are making monthly payments).

Watch for these warning signs of too much debt:

• Total of your credit payments exceed 20% • Struggling from paycheck to paycheck • Running out of money before pay day • Making only minimum payments on credit card balances • Skipping one payment to make another • Putting off doctor or dentist bills • Using a credit card to pay for things you used to pay for with cash • Arguing over money and bills• Afraid to total your debt If any of these signs hit close to home, work hard to reduce your debt with these suggestions: • Stop using credit cards.• Pay cash.• Pay down balances and always pay more than the minimum on credit card balances.• While making payments on all bills, apply extra money to the highest interest account.• Work with your creditors to negotiate rates and arrangements.• Consider debt consolidation or a lower rate balance transfer.• If you are still having problems meeting your debt obligations, you may want to talk with a professional. Check with the human resources department of your employer to see if you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). With this program, you may be able to access free and confidential help. Also, you may want to contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling to locate a credit counselor near you. Savings: Build up your emergency savings to $500 and strive to have at least three months of your net income saved. With this cushion, you will not have to resort to credit when faced with an emergency. Once you see where your money is going and you begin to pay off debts, you will be able to save more. Look into other forms of savings such as Certificates of Deposit (CDs), IRAs, or even a college fund for your child. Do not neglect your retirement savings. Check into the programs available where you work such as a 401K, and make sure you contribute enough to get the maximum match. Helpful tips for saving: • Pay yourself first. • Use direct deposit or payroll withholding so you don't see it. • Save any additional income such as bonuses, overtime, tax refunds or extra paychecks. • Set financial goals and keep them visible. Do you want to take a vacation, buy a house, or payoff a debt? This will motivate you to save. • Save your loose change. Now that you have a plan, follow these suggestions to keep you on track: • Stick to your budget and continue to save. • Pay bills on time. • Pay balances in full on credit cards, and only charge what you can afford to pay off each month. • Keep your debt-to-income ratio under 20% (excluding housing costs). • Track spending when money seems tight. • Be a smart shopper. Comparison shop for everything, not just food and clothes, but also credit, insurance, banking, phone, and Internet services, to name a few. Terms and fees vary greatly and change frequently. • Check, review, and correct your credit reports every year. Remember the A, B, C, Ds: • A Healthy Plan includes: • B udgeting - what is coming in and going out • C redit - use and reports • D ebt - keep a close watch and avoid overload • S avings - both emergency and retirement Be proactive and take time to review your plan.

October 13, 2009


How can we deal effectively with change? The ChallengeChange is all around us, it's unavoidable, in fact, change is part of the process of life. So ... why do we chronically fear change and react with anxiety through this natural process. We should be used to change by now ... it's been part of life for millions of years! The reason we may fear change is between what we might call "familiar" and "unfamiliar" types of change. Familiar change is the type we all can, more-or-less, expect and anticipate: we grow older, we learn new things, we expect to get a flu in winter, our favorite (mostly winning) team goes on a (mostly) losing streak, etc.It is, however, normal to feel disoriented in the midst of unfamiliar, or unexpected, change and cues. In our rapid-fire, rapidly changing world, our schedules, plans and routines become disrupted in a totally unexpected way. The recent mortgage crisis, the stock market crash, and the global economic turmoil are all unexpected, profound, changes that most people simply did not expect to happen.The challenge is to learn skills so that we can deal with both types of change, the familiar and the unfamiliar, the expected and the unexpected. How do we learn to become resilient and confident in our ability to deal with change?

October 12, 2009

How to Work with the Law of Attraction to Find a Job

LAW OF ATTRACTION Getting a job in this economy is as simple as following the steps to completing any task. Regardless of the reason you are seeking work, rest-assured that obtaining a job, fast, is simple to achieve regardless of ANY condition-including economic. These steps are tried and true for I used them to become gainfully employed by working with the Law of Attraction. You would be surprised to find out that obtaining a job doesn’t have anything to do with your resume, experience or field but everything to do with your ability to believe in yourself. The greater your ability to see yourself employed, secure and full of joy the quicker your inner image will frame your world and its reality. I recommend you print out two copies of this article. Keep one beside your bed and the other travels with you, in your purse or wallet. Read the article in the morning, then at lunch and again at bedtime. Then get ready to see good things happen!

Manage Your Thoughts & Emotions

Make a decision to focus ALL of your thought and emotional energy on ALREADY being employed NOT finding a job. Do NOT focus on anything negative or contrary to what you want. This is very important. The faster you convince your subconscious mind that you are already employed, the faster the Universe will move everything and everyone to accommodate your request. So how do you do this? Feel good! Feel good as you see yourself getting up for work everyday and are convinced you are employed. Picture yourself receiving a handsome weekly paycheck. See yourself paying your bills on time and looking forward to your payday. Feel the feelings of job security and job satisfaction as you picture yourself busily going about your day productively completing tasks. Get excited! You have a job! Did you hear what I said?! You have a job! Feel it in every fiber of your being and your emotions will follow and soon manifest it.

Manage Your Mouth

Resist the urge to verbalize worry about where your next dollar is coming from but instead be thankful! Feel grateful for getting a job and say "I am so thankful that I am working and I love my job! I am so happy every morning as I get up and look forward to going to work. Thank God I found a job so quickly! I look forward to paying my bills on time and providing generously for my family. I am so thankful that I get along well with my team and management. I am so thankful that I am a huge asset to my team and I feel appreciated and valued. I love my job!

"Lights! Camera! ACTION!

Make something happen! If you want to find a job quickly your day must be filled with productivity. Before you go to bed each night picture your daily routine for the next day. Picture yourself preparing your clothes the night before, getting up the following morning and getting ready for work. Resist the urge to change your routine. If the kids took the bus to school before, don't start taking them now that you have more free time. Don't start spring cleaning or waste your time catching up on TV. Resist the urge to sleep-in. You must get up everyday, fully-dressed and ready to work. During the normal 8 hours of a work day you should polish up your resume, call business contacts for networking opportunities, do on-line training to increase your job skills and of course, remember to keep a guard over your thoughts and mouth. Keep feeling the joyous feelings of being employed!

Expect it!

Expect to be called for an interview and offered a job. Expect to be fully prepared to wow your employer. You are valued beyond explanation. You are a valued resource that a company is looking for right now. You deserve financial security and job soundness. It is your heritage and birthright as child of God. Did you know that your job is actually looking for you with the same intensity that you are looking for it. You'll know that you are on the right track because everything you do feels good and is fun. You are enjoying yourself and already beginning to feel peace in knowing you are employed. Believe it! Doesn't that just make you want to jump up and give somebody a High-Five!

October 10, 2009


What You Think Is What You Get

The law of attraction is surprisingly simple: Like attracts like. It becomes a bit more complicated when it comes to training our minds to think in ways that will bring what we desire into our lives. The term "self-fulfilling prophecy" describes the same law. This well-known term explains that we create the circumstances our mind dwells upon, whether positive or negative. So our goal is to practice consistent presence of mind to make sure our thoughts are always directed toward the positive and that which we want to create. A key to the process is the word "frequency." This is true for two reasons: 1) The frequency you use when you passionately dwell upon or revisit a thought, dream, desire or goal provides the energy your musings need for creation; and 2) just like a radio station broadcasts on a certain frequency, like the radio you must be "tuned in" to receive it. This means preparing for the arrival of your dream on every possible level—material, physical, and spiritual. You don’t have to know how it will come into your life, just trust that it will. Your job is to lay the groundwork, follow any leads you can find, and prepare for its arrival. This can mean cleaning out your garage to make space for a new car, taking a tour of a model home to get the feel of it in order to feed your fantasies, or thinking of what you want in a mate and then living up to that list yourself. Just like with any skill, the law of attraction must be practiced. We must decide what makes us feel abundant, and use our imagination to create the feeling. It isn’t enough to just want something; you must use the power of your thoughts to attract it. A series of choices is what brings us everything in our lives right now, every moment. When we know the direction we want our choices to take us, it is as if we’ve placed an order with the universe. Then we can await its arrival with joyful anticipation. If we find ways to experience our dreams right now, we make creating joy a treasure hunt in which the seeking is just as much fun as the finding.

October 8, 2009

why we are ......


Why our life is going to same way,unchanged,because we are not taking any risk in our life.we are going through the life,what we are now.at the school stage we follow our text book and not thinking what is happing in outside world. we learn from the text book and write the examination and getting the degree....but not capable for take the risk in the society.

Fear, sacrifice, procrastination, ingrained habits -these are the obstacles standing in the way of happines. so we need distroy all this obstacles to improve our life. the main thing in our life is that to think about the action and make the action

October 7, 2009






















October 5, 2009



10. Raise Your Standards

It's time to raise your standards. It's time to expect more out of yourself than anyone else. Accept nothing less than your absolute best in all that you do and you'll have no problem creating your ideal life. After all, you'd expect nothing less than living the life of your dreams.

11. Take Ownership

Before positive changes can take place, you must take responsibility for your position in life. You are in control of your future and are the only one who can guarantee a better life. If you play the role of a victim, giving up control and ownership of your life, you will never enjoy the amazing opportunities that life offers to us all.

12. Write in a Journal A million thoughts may rush through your mind each day, but if you do nothing to capture them, they often disappear as quickly as they came. Take time to write in a journal each week. This will not only help you overcome obstacles you are facing in your life but also help you discover what you really want.

13. Whom Do You Admire?

Make a list of at least three people that you admire. With your list in hand describe what it is that you most respect about each individual. Often pinpointing what we admire in others offers insight into what we wish to become ourselves.

14. The Moment

Remember a time when everything seemed to be going just right? When nothing could get you down? When you thought to yourself, 'This moment, right now, is what life is all about.' We all have moments in life when we feel we are at our best, but most people don't utilize them. Use the special moments in your life to bring to light goals and desires that are sure to fulfill your needs. Learning from and building on these times will help you create magic moments on a daily basis for the rest of your life.

15. A Friendly Brainstorming Session

Gather a group of your closest friends, the ones who know you better than anyone else, and use their knowledge about you and your life to help you brainstorm goal and dream ideas. They will likely offer ideas you never considered yourself.


October 4, 2009



1. Let Go of the Past

Before you can create a better future, you must let go of the pains in your past. Failing once does not mean you will fail forever. Learn from your history, but don't let it stand as an obstacle between you and your dreams.

2 remmember success

as important as learning from and overcoming past failure is recalling past success. It doesn't matter who you are, you have succeeded at something at sometime in your past. Don't gloss over these moments. Use them to remind you that you can in fact achieve your goals.

3. Realize the PossibilitiesIt's possible.

The dreams you hold in your heart but push to the back of your mind are within your reach. Accept the fact that you can create a better life. This will serve as the springboard of belief you need to succeed.

4. Dream the Big Dream

In order for dreams and desires to inspire you to action and achievement, they need to be big. If you don't get excited about what you have planned for the future, you will never find the inspiration you need to change your life. Powerful dreams can move the soul, and when you dream the big dream, you will be driven to make the compelling picture a tangible reality.

5. Thinking Your Way to Change

No matter how bad you want it to happen, change will never result from thinking alone - you must take action. The world is swimming in dreamers, but only those who act on their desires achieve truly remarkable results.

6. A Daily Habit to Begin

TodaySet aside at least 30 minutes each night to review your day and plan for the next. It's a simple way to add an element of control to your life. Also, beginning this habit today will help tremendously when you begin to work toward your exciting and inspiring goals and dreams.

7. Mix It Up

The wrong routine can spell certain doom for your goals and dreams. To make sure this doesn't happen to you, add at least one new step to your daily routine to help break up the pattern. One new activity will set the stage for many more in the future, making it possible for you to break free of any negative routines.

8. A Team Sport

Don't go at this alone. Achieving a goal or dream requires a team effort. There will be times when you feel like giving up, when you feel like it's too much to take. One of the surest ways to overcome these small setbacks is to have the support and guidance of your goal partner.

9. Get Excited

About What's to ComeYou are on your way to getting everything you have ever wanted! Now is the time to get excited and inspired about what your future holds. Imagine living your ideal life - now make it happen!10. Raise Your StandardsIt's time to raise your standards. It's time to expect more out of yourself than anyone else. Accept nothing less than your absolute best in all that you do and you'll have no problem creating your ideal life. After all, you'd expect nothing less than living the life of your dreams

October 1, 2009

Three Success Principles


Step #1 The Right Attitude!
Charles Swindoll is famous for his writings about attitude and one of the things he talks about is the fact that attitude can make or break a company, a church, a home...or an individual. He emphatically teaches us that we have a choice, every day, regarding the attitude we will embrace.
You can choose to win or choose to worry about winning – at everything. Your job, your health, your finances! Creating a positive attitude is not an accident – and not something that magically happens to you.
Of course, deciding to have a great attitude and making it happen are two entirely different things, aren’t they?
How many times have you been clear and positive about what you wanted to do and then got stopped, dead in your tracks!
What I found is that one of the most important things about having a great attitude is that having someone else as your partner really helps! Sometimes it takes support…more about that soon!
Step #2 Making the Right Choices!
We make hundreds of choices every day.
What do you choose?
Do you spend an hour working out so your heart can be healthy as you move forward in time or do you sit on the couch and read a magazine and eat pizza?
Do you choose to spend an hour watching your favorite reality series or will you read a great book, meditate or attend a yoga class?
Do you spend money on yet another fleeting leisure activity or on an educational program whose information will last you a lifetime?
I like to ask this question before each decision I make:
"What will be the impact of this choice in two weeks, two months, and two years from now?"
Step #3 Developing the Right Relationships!
I can accomplish a LOT in one day. Pretty much anything I set my mind to – and part of what makes that possible is the people I surround myself with – personally and professionally.
Having people in your life who are committed to your success is absolutely essential to realizing your greatest potential. Having someone who...
Supports your dreams
Has the knowledge and wherewithal to guide and mentor you through tough decisions
Show you areas where you may have a blind spot or tunnel vision
Empowers you to achieve all that you want in life

September 30, 2009

How to Live a Healthy and Joyful Life

How to Live a Healthy and Joyful Life

I was asked to write a list of my favorite health habits. Below is the list I created to assist you with living your healthiest and most joyful life.

Eat high fiberA diet high in fiber provides relief or prevention of constipation, decreased risk of some types of cancer, decreased cholesterol, deduced risk of coronary disease, blood sugar control, reduced risk of type II Diabetes, and decreased risk of obesity. The varies for age and sex but in general getting 28 to 30 g of fiber a day is a good start. Take a couple of days to mentally measure the amount of fiber you're taking in.

Eat healthy fatsIn general, fats from fish, flax seed oil, butter and nuts, hemp seed, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and eggs from chickens fed a diet high in greens and insects are all good food sources of healthy fats. Healthy fats reduced inflammation in your body, improve blood clotting, create healthy cell membranes, lower bad lipids, decreased artery thickening, reduce the risk of obesity, and may inhibit cancer cell growth.

Exercise regularlyI hate going to the gym. However, I love to get my exercise by doing activities that are fun. Take a walk and look at the flowers. Join a sports team and see what you can do. Stretch yourself a little bit every day. Just move. Your body will love you and it will be fun.

Eliminate refined carbohydrates call these the "white foods." Most of the foods you can think of that are white (bleached flour, sugar, white pasta, candy) are not good for you. I'm not just talking about weight gain or control of calories. I'm talking about the hormonal and chemical alterations that cause in your body which lead to lifelong decreased health.

sleep 7 to 8 Shours a daySleep deprivation leads to decreased immunity, weight gain, depression, mood swings, vascular disease, and many more ill effects on your body. For people doing shift work, it is even a higher priority to stay in tune with your body and to listen to what it needs. Don't overdue caffeine and none after 4 p.m., bedroom for sleep and sex only, eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime, no raucous T.V. before bedtime, create a ritual that honors your life and your body (many people journal, meditate or pray right before sleep), address health issues that impede sleep (like sleep apnea, menopause, etc).

Take quality supplementsIt is prudent for adults to take a multivitamin every day because of the decreased nutritional content of our food, the increased processing of our food supply, and the substitution of healthy foods with unhealthy foods. The USDA surveyed 16,000 Americans and found that not one person obtained 100% of essential nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc. Similarly, children and adolescents did not obtain enough essential nutrients such as folate, vitamin C, and calcium.

Reduce stressIf you have a stressful life my recommendation is insert into your day what I call "peace breaks." It can happen in your car, the bathroom, when you take a short walk around the block. Let your blood pressure fall, your mind relax, and to consciously put your attention on peacefulness and releasing any thoughts. Do this 2 to 3 times a day, especially right when you wake up and right before you go to sleep.

Be cognizant of childreBe an example of health in front of your children. Don't reward with candy. Reward with time, reading, love, and attention. Stand for healthy habits in schools. Be a mentor. So many people I know have come from hard beginnings to become truly magnificent people. The commonality in all of them is they had at least one person in their childhood who really cared.

Eat breakfast and eat a low glycemic,

Mediterranean style food patternEating a healthy breakfast (low glycemic, high nutrient foods) helps maintain hunger levels, sugar levels, and healthy eating throughout the day. Keeping a steady blood sugar throughout the day by eating 5 to 6 small, low glycemic, Mediterranean style meals appears to be a delicious and healthy way to maintain your physique and avoid disease

.Find passion in your life

I believe what you create with your life is your individual expression of the divine. It all counts. What matters is the love you bring to your life. Express your life with passion and know that it is received with enthusiasm. You matter more than you will ever know.Challenge yourselfWhat have you wanted to do in life that you just haven't taken the time for? Is it a trip? Taking a challenge in your relationship? Reading a new book or taking a new class? Stepping just a little bit out of your comfort zone can make life exciting and full. Bring your spouse along if he/she will come. Make it a family affair. You only pass this way one time.Create habitThe opposite of new challenges is the steady hand of habit. Creating habits can open space and energy for creativity. What part of your life feels confusing and out of control right now? What habits could you install to balance this chaos? By creating a life of habits, you also make room for challenges and inventiveness.Have a healthy social circleThe belief systems you develop are deeply influenced by the people in your life. Who in your life supports your most deeply felt beliefs? Who in your life moves you away from your emotional, financial, spiritual and physical center? How much time do you spend with these people? If your only circle of friends is the people you work with every day, it may be time to open and widen the circle a little. Make one new friend and cultivate that friendship. Choose a friend who is loving and supportive, who fills your life with positive words and be that friend to others. Studies show that lifespan is greatly influenced by the company you keep (or lack thereof).Laugh a lotWhen is the last time you belly laughed? If it has been a while, perhaps it is time to lighten up. Look for opportunities to laugh. Make your family and friends laugh. Play a gentle, loving trick. Get tickets to a comedy club where a lighthearted comic is playing. Spending the evening laughing with your friends may put a whole new veneer on your week.GiveI am speaking specifically of volunteering -- an act or donation that is mainly anonymous and brings worth, peace and love to the world. Here is a partial list of the reasons and benefits: make new friends, build confidence, see more of your community and the world, gain important skills and experience, relieve stress, fight boredom, make a difference in the world, and just have fun. It is truly exhilarating to be surrounded by giving, loving people in the act of improving the world for those around you.Put these concepts in practice in your life. Find one small way to make the world a little better today. If we all do that, we have created a movement of health, love and joy. Be a part of the movement today!
** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:
Dr. Kelly Sennholz is the founder and Chief Medical Officer of Symtrimics LLC, a Physician Prescribed Wellness Program. She has been instrumental in creating excellent health for thousands of patients and transforming medical practices to true sources of health. Symtrimics allows doctors to once again feel satisfaction in their medical practice and real relationships with their patients.

September 28, 2009

A Motivation Secret from the Insane

Sarah, our insane runner, had thought about a marathon for years. She dreamed of running the 26.2 miles but was overwhelmed by the size of it all. Then she stumbled upon a training schedule online.The mileage added up to 567 over 16 weeks. Even a car would be tired after that. But to run it? How did she get motivated?Though at first it looked like a lot, the schedule clearly broke everything down into daily runs. A particular Tuesday required eight miles, for instance; a certain Saturday, four miles.This changed the way Sarah thought about the goal. The mountain became a molehill."I just focused on the next day," she told me. "I didn't worry about two days later. I just looked at what I had to do tomorrow."Instead of the 567 miles scaring her away, it never crossed her mind. She only thought about the next step.You can almost picture her thinking, Six miles tomorrow? I can do six miles.Sarah took it one day at a time, one chunk at a time, and that made all the difference.After 16 weeks, she successfully completed the Milwaukee Marathon--a lifelong dream checked off the list.How can you apply Sarah's lesson to your goals? Which of your dreams can be chunked into smaller parts?Dissect the things you want, and, when you have the first tiny step uncovered, take it. Then take the one after that, and the one after that, and on and on until you're panting like a dog at the finish line of your own marathon, grinning from ear to ear.What is the Balance?I talk a lot about shifting the balance. So much so that many of you are probably asking, What is the balance and why do I want to shift it? Good questions. Here are the quick answers:Everything you want--every hope, goal, or dream--has its own balance or set of scales. On one side are the two types of motivators that drive you forward. On the other are the two types of obstacles that keep you standing still.When you shift the balance of a particular goal, you immediately want to do whatever it takes to make it happen. It's as if you flip a switch inside your brain and instantly start taking action.Using this skill with goals such as starting a business or meeting new friends can be exciting. But when you use it to improve your health or save your job, it can be life-changing.Do you know how to shift the balances of your goals? If not, click here to see how it's done.New Stuff

January 13, 2009

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
William shakespeare was a famous playwriter and poet.He was known as the bard of avon.His works are Hamlet,tempest,macbeth etc and 154 sonnets.
While Shakespeare caused much controversy, he also earned lavish praise and has profoundly impacted the world over in areas of literature, culture, art, theatre, and film and is considered one of the best English language writers ever. From the Preface of the First Folio (1623) "To the memory of my beloved, The Author, Mr. William Shakespeare: and what he hath left us"--Ben Jonson;

"Thou art a Moniment, without a tombeAnd art alive still, while thy Booke doth live,And we have wits to read, and praise to give."

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon.

England's celebration of their patron Saint George is on 23 April, which is also the day claimed to be the birth date of Shakespeare. Although birth and death dates were not recorded in Shakespeare's time, churches did record baptisms and burials, usually a few days after the actual event. The infant William was baptised on 26 April 1564 in the parish church Holy Trinity of Stratford upon Avon. He lived with his fairly well-to-do parents on Henley Street, the first of the four sons born to John Shakespeare (c1530-1601) and Mary Arden (c1540-1608), who also had four daughters. John Shakespeare was a local businessman and also involved in municipal affairs as Alderman and Bailiff, but a decline in his fortunes in his later years surely had an effect on William.

January 12, 2009













January 11, 2009



The Arab cinemas are both the product and the expression of a long and unresolved struggle for the control of the image, for the power to define identity. That identity is clearly rooted in the crossroads of culture of the region, extending as it does between Europe and Black Africa, between the Atlantic and the Arabian Gulf, but also between the city and countryside and desert ... between a colonial past and a nominally independent present." - film critic Mariam Rosen.


During the 1930s, the Misr Bank further financed production by sending technicians abroad for training and setting up the Misr Studio in 1935. Production increased from six films in 1933 to 17 in 1936. Other studios were installed, artists’ salaries rose as in Hollywood and to the musical/comedy genres were added farces and the melodrama, consisting of seduction, implied rape, adultery, murder and suicide. The "first lady of the screen" was Faten Hamama, who played roles of the orphan/Cinderella type (A Happy Day, Mohamed Karim, 1940; The Immortal Song, Henry Baraket, 1959), later incarnating the difficult conditions of women (The Sin, 1964; No Condolences For Women, 1979; The Night Of Fatma’s Arrest, 1984). In 1953 Hamama starred with an unknown Syrian-Lebanese Christian, Michel Chalroub, in Youssef Chahine’s Raging Sky. Becoming a Muslim, he changed his name to Omar Sharif and they married, starring together in Chahine’s The Black Waters (1956), then in Night Without Sleep (1958) and River Of Love (1960): "With him there appeared for the first time in the Egyptian cinema the erotic hero ... with magnetic eyes and tantalising voice" (Abbas Fadhil Ibrahim).


Along with Chahine, the filmmakers in Egypt most associated with this trend are Chadi Abdessalam, for only one feature, The Mummy (1969), and Tewfiq Salah, whose early formation also included Victoria College. Salah’s work is somewhat limited by the effects of censorship whims but includes, with The Cheated (1971), The Rebels (1969), set in a hospital and dealing with inegalitarian healthcare and authority without responsibility. The film was withheld for some time and only released with cuts.

The Lebanon, on the other hand, has had commercial studio facilities for years and several producers and cinema-owners of Lebanese origin operate throughout Africa and the Arab world. But the work of younger filmmakers has featured the war situation. Documentary-maker Jocelyn Saab has recently completed her first fiction: Sweet Adolescent Love. Mai Masri (Palestinian) and Jean Chamoun, on the other hand, have only made documentaries, of which Fleurs D’ajonc (Gorse flowers) is the most recent (1986). It shows women in the country, resisting, protecting, nurturing against all odds. Maroun Baghdadi has made both documentaries and the fiction The Little Wars in 1985; Borhane Alaouie has also made Beirut, The Encounter (1982) and a documentary on the Lebanese Shi’a. In 1980, the Algerian filmmaker, Farouk Belloufa, made Nah’la, in which a journalist goes to report on the situation and becomes involved in Beirut life (unlike Schlondorff’s hero for whom the city and people were just a backdrop).

January 10, 2009



Kuwait was never a colony and the Kuwaitis have always been free to manage their affairs among themselves as they see fit and develop their unique cultural characteristics in their own way. The Kuwaiti of the pre-oil era survived, in the harshness of the desert or sea, through a mix of finely honed skills and highly developed social organization based on family, can and tribe, which provided the economic and political support necessary for survival. In return for this support, the individual gave unquestioning service and loyalty to his group. This gave rise to clan –based networks, which are still extremely strong and provide the basis of social relations between Kuwaitis today. The Kuwaiti child was taught from an early age to serve and protect older family members and also, to ensure cooperation between clans, not to embarrass the family, The degree, which a young Kuwaiti was successful in learning his role was reflected in the amount of (face), he earned. The concept of face has the same meaning as respect and reputation in the west, except the face has intensity about it that is almost inconceivable to a westerner. But face accrues not only to the individual but also to the group, and a youth is considered mature once he view personal success as being synonymous with the success of the family or group. Face is expressed through hospitality, generosity and loyalty to family or particular group. A Kuwaiti spends his life building his personal and social face and the sense of face lies behind many social behaviors in Kuwait.

The dewaniyah or parlour has existed in Kuwait since time immemorial. The term originally referred to the section of a Bedouin tent where the menfolk and their visitors sat apart from the family. In the old city of Kuwait it was the reception area where a man resaved his business colleagues and male guests. Today the term refers both to a reception hall and the gathering held in it, and visiting or hosting a Diwaniyah is an in dispensable feature of a Kuwaiti man’s social life. As a social event, adiwaniyah takes place in special room or annex, which is usually, separate from the rest of man’s house. Only men are present and they sit around on soft benches or cushion, conversing casually, smoking, nibbling snacks and relaxing the evening, The host’s job is to be hospitable and entertain his guests, and the reputation of a man Diwaniyah is one of the prime ways in which he achieve’s face. There are also more formal Diwaniyah, which specialize in particular interests, such as politics or science. Most Kuwaitis men wear a dishdasha, a floor length robe with a center robe opening which is but on over the head. Because it is so well suited to the climate, this basic garment has changed little in the last few hundred years, though the collar, front button fastening and buttoned cuffs are 20th century innovations introduction by Indian tailor . Provided he is not corpulent, the dishdasha can at time make the wearer look quit elegant. The three-part headdress of the Kuwait male is also very functional. It provides shade during summer, it can be wrapped across the face during sandstorms, and it’s end can be twisted up like a turban if the wearer is doing manual work The gutra is a square piece of cloth which is folded into a triangle and then placed centrally on the head so that the ends hang down equally over the shoulders. It is held in place by an ogal, a double circlet of twisted black cord, which is placed firmly over the head. Often a gahfiah, a close fitting skull cap , is worn under the gutra to stop it from slipping . The headdress can be worn in various ways, ranging from the stiffly formal to the downright rakish, depending on the wearer’s mode and the social occasion, In the most dignified style the gutra is centered on the head. And pulled down well cover the forehead so that tow pointed ends are arranged on each side of the face, the other at the back, and the ogal is set straight on the head just slightly tilted back from the forehead .The possible variation on this basic positioning are endless. The ogal can be pushed backwards towards the top of the head, pulled down over the forehead, tilted on the kildare side or pulled down over a raffish eye. And once the ogal has been exactly positioned, the gutra can be arranged in various symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. The ends can, for example, be folded neatly back over the shoulders to open the face, or one end can be left hanging forward while the other is folded up and draped back to the head to expose a handsome profile. Shebabs, young Kuwaiti studs, spend a lot of their time getting the lie of ogal and gutra just right. Once his headgear is settled to his liking, all a Kuwaiti has to complete his dress is to slip on a pair of leather sandals as he goes out the door. In the old days he would properly have girded himself in a leather belt with shoulder strap to hold a sheathed saef (sword) and khanjar (dagger) with possibly a sakeen (dirk) up his sleeve, but today’s Kuwaiti has replaced these manly accessories with those modern necessities, a mobile and pager.Kuwaiti wears white or cream dishdash, with matching gutras, most months of the year. During winter somber –coloured heavier cloths are used and the gutras is changed to a red and white check, For example, the onset of winter and spring is easily marked when the locals suddenly, within the space of a day or so, change the colour of their clothing. In winter, most Kuwaitis also wear a heavy bisht, a cloak made of traditional thick dun-coloured camel hair or of heavy modern wool, over their dishdash, though the shebab tend to favour thick leather wool-lined zipped jerkins. On grand occasion, a semi-transparent bisht with zari, special gold braiding, is worn by the rich and powerful, The embossed look of the zari is created by the first hand-embroidering the bisht with gold threads and then hammering the threads so that they become fused. Kuwaiti women dress in western clothes, Though they may choose from the more demure styles, the latest designs are worn, regardless of the climate or convenience. However their traditional clothing, such as the thob (a straight-sided long overdress), is still used for dancing on festive occasion. When in public many local women cover their chic western clothing with an aba, a head-to-toe silky black cloak, Bedouin women may also wear a burga, a short black veil that covers the entire face. The hijab, or Islamic headscarf, which conceals the hair while leaving the face unveiled is not a Kuwaiti garment but is of northern origin. It is worn by many expatriate Muslim women. The hijab is usually complemented by along-sleeved floor-length garment,often in pretty colours, and the overall more elegant than the voluminous aba.
most of the information from Kuwait Pocket Guide
Learn about Kuwait Handicrafts

January 9, 2009



Baby Clothes and Baby Clothing
Baby Clothes is too general a phrase. It does nothing to explain to parents about the variety in brand, cost and sizes in clothing that is available to their child.
Buying clothes for a baby can be just as difficult as buying them for an adult. The variety is astounding. When you are searching for baby clothes one never thinks they will have to make decisions about what type of brand, cost, size they are looking for. One never thinks to ask themselves, "Am I looking for clothing for everyday or for a special occasion? Yet, the fact is these are important things that one must think about before going shopping for baby clothes. I bet it would surprise many people to know that buying baby clothes for a child of six months is not the same as buying them for a newborn child. To help you sort through all the things you should think about when buying baby clothes for a specific age keep reading this article.
Baby Clothes Newborn to Three months
When buying clothes for a newborn baby or one that is about three months old, it is not just about style but about safety as well. When looking over clothing see if they have any buttons, ribbons, snaps on them that can come loose in a baby's mouth and choke them. Keep in mind when buying baby clothes that velcro, and zippers in the back is a good thing. Tee's are a good purchase as well as flaming pants and Tra La La French Ribbon Kimono Set. The prices can range from 5 KD TO 15 KD,We can purchease it from shop like centre point and lulu hypermarket.
Baby Clothes 6- 9 months
It is a waste of time to spend your money buying a lot of newborn baby clothes because they grow at an astounding rate. When a child enters its 6-9 month you can buy larger amounts of clothing. A good tip is to buy a baby around this age clothes that are a size to big so that they can grow into them. Devi offers hip looking clothes for young boys. Their prices range from $40.00 to $100.00. Next, is Kidcosmic who offers outrageous, bright colored clothes for girls. Their prices range from $20.00 to $25.00. Lastly, Room Seven comes a mix offering of designer clothes. Their price range is from $50.00 to $150.00.
Baby Clothes 12-24 months
At this time in a baby life a number of things are happening. The baby can speak and understand some words, play, throw tantrums, use utensils and probably can undress themselves. When it comes to buying clothes for a child of this age, choose items not just for cuteness but durability. Try to choose clothing that would be easy for a child around this age to undo themselves because frustration breeds tantrums in a child and we would not want that. Dirty Laundry offers tees, and their price ranges from $25.00 to $40.00 dollars. If the price is too high for you, cheaper price tees can still offer what you might be looking for.
This is the age where they have made progress in walking and talking. The world is brand new to them, and they are curious about everything, into everything and very active. They want to do everything themselves, and the word "No" is always on the tip of their tongues. Not to mention, they are being or about to be toilet trained. When thinking of buying clothes for this age group, primarily think of comfort. Think clothes you can buy at your local big chain clothing store, and leave the designer dudes for special occasions.
Remember that buying clothes for a baby at any age does take more work then one might think, but offers infinite pleasure as well.



In India there a lot of banks. in this world economic crisis indian banks are leading organisation in the country,becasue of our RESERVE BANK OF INDIA,the banker of all banks. in india the banks are segreated as diiferent groups,they obey the rules and regulations of RBI.but the banks are formed there own marketing style and way.They are working in both rural and urban areas, and serving both poor and rich people.In indian the customer can choose their own bank. if one bank is giving bad service ,the customer can select another bank. I have an experience with ICICI Bank. This bank is taking Rs.10000/- for opening new accounts.if the amount is less than 10000/- they are cutting amount from there,that means huge amount. After one year there is no account balance. how a poor man can open account in this bank.some banks are acting like this way. rest of all bank are giving good service.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

The central bank of the country is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It was established in April 1935 with a share capital of Rs. 5 crores on the basis of the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission. The share capital was divided into shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid which was entirely owned by private shareholders in the begining. The Government held shares of nominal value of Rs. 2,20,000.Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor and four Deputy Governors, one Government official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give representation to important elements in the economic life of the country, and four nominated Directors by the Central Government to represent the four local Boards with the headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi. Local Boards consist of five members each Central Government appointed for a term of four years to represent territorial and economic interests and the interests of co-operative and indigenous banks.The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 was commenced on April 1, 1935. The Act, 1934 (II of 1934) provides the statutory basis of the functioning of the Bank.The Bank was constituted for the need of following:
To regulate the issue of banknotes
To maintain reserves with a view to securing monetary stability and
To operate the credit and currency system of the country to its advantage


RESERVE BANK OF INDIA ADDRESSReserve Bank of India,Central Office,Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road,Mumbai - 400 001.

January 8, 2009

India Dress

The culture, religion, languages spoken and attire of the people of India are as diverse as the landscape of this vast country. Due to its diversity this cultural hub does not have just one dress, which can be called as the National Dress or Indian Dress. If in northern part we find more of the Muslim influence, in the southern part of India Dravidian style of costumes dominate. WOMEN'S WEAR The language, religion and dresses of the people change according to the region they inhabit. In northern part of India Salwar Kameez is prevalent among women. Salwar is a type of loose trouser, which is worn with lose Kurta known as Kameez. This Indian dress is usually accompanied by Dupatta, a kind of veil used to cover head or bosom. This Indian dress is the favorite of North Indian women as it is hassle free to wear and easy to maintain and allows complete freedom of movement which is necessary for hard working women whether in an office or helping her husband in fields. In western India i.e. Rajasthan and Gujarat, Lehenga Choli forms core of the traditional dress of the locals. Lehenga is a lose ankle length skirt worn with Choli, a kind of blouse. This outfit is incomplete without Odhni, western Indian version of Dupatta, which lends the grace and style to this traditional Indian dress. Another dress that resembles Lehenga is Ghaghra. It is a type of full flared ankle length skirt, which is worn with a belt around the waist. In some parts of India you can also find women wearing Garara, a kind of divided skirt, flared at the bottom much like bell-bottoms. Sari, an unstitched piece of cloth which looks common but lends the uncommon grace and elegance to the women wearing it. In ancient times unstitched fabric was supposed to be pure this belief gave rise to this Indian dress in which is there is no problem of size and shape. It is a six to nine yard piece of cloth. Depending upon the needs and cultural and religious norms of the region, each region has its own style of draping a sari. The style of wearing a sari reflects the age, region, religion, status and occupation of the women to some extent. The different styles of draping a sari are:
North Indian: It is the widely used style in which Sari is draped around a waist once and then pleats are tucked in the waistband. The remaining portion of Sari, known as Pallu is put across the left shoulder and is allowed to fall behind.
Gujarati: This style of Sari is known as Seedha Pallu Sari. In this style Pallu is taken to back side and is then put across the front side of the right shoulder.
Bengali: A pleatless style of draping a sari.
Maharashtrian: for this style of sari you need a sari which is longer than the usual one i.e. 8-9 m long. In this style sari is passed through legs and one portion of it is tucked at the back providing room for greater freedom of movement.
Other styles of draping a sari worth mention are: Kodagu, Nivi and Kachha Nivi style

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January 7, 2009

Thought of the day

In the world there are toq catagory of people. poor and rich. who is making this.some people are saying this is God creatio. acutally it is not his creation. We are making our own world.We can spend with poor people
Get Paid Money to Blog


Date of Birth : 01/01/1982

Education :
St. Antony's School and St. Xavier's College

City :
Palghat, Kerala

Occupation :
Bollywood actress and Fashion Model

Debut Film :

Languages :
Tamil, Hindi, English, Malayalam, Bengali

Awards :
Star Screen Award Most Promising Newcomer - Female, Parineeta (2005),
Filmfare Best Debut Award, Parineeta (2005)
Zee Cine Award Best Female Debut, Parineeta (2005)
IIFA Award Best Female Debut, Parineeta (2005)
Stardust Superstar of Tomorrow - Female, Parineeta (2005), Mother (House maker), Elder Sister.
Vidya Balan is a Tamilian from Kerala. She is from the Iyer community. She comes from a middleclass family from Palghat, on the border of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Vidya did her schooling from St Antony's School and later on joined St Xavier's College from where she graduated in sociology. When she was doing her MA from Mumbai University, she was offered a role in a Malayalam film titled Chakram with Mohanlal, one of Vidya’s favorite actors. However, the project was shelved mid-way and Vidya had to wait for few more years to make her movie debut. She made her debut as a model in a Surf Excel advertisement in 1998. She has acted in scores of ad films, most of which were directed by Pradeep Sarkar.A couple of months later, she featured in three music videos (again directed by Sarkar) for ‘Euphoria’, Shubha Mudgal and Pankaj Udhas. Vidya Balan started work as an actress in the Malayalam movie Chakram, paired against Mohanlal, however the film was abandoned mid-way through production. After making her debut in television advertising as a model for a Surf Excel advertisement in 1998, she proceeded to do over 25 TV ads, (mostly directed by Pradeep Sarkar), followed with a variety of acting stints in music videos (Euphoria, Shubha Mudgal and Pankaj Udhas), Hindi TV soap operas (Hanste Khelte and Hum Paanch) and a Bengali movie, Bhaalo Theko, for which she won the Best Actress Anand Lok Puraskar award in Kolkata.Hanste Khelte and Ektaa Kapoor's Hum Paanch.In the meantime, she acted in Bengali movie Bhalo Theko with actor Joy Sengupta. She even won the ‘best actress’ Anand Lok Puraskar in Kolkata for her performance in the movie.It was in Mumbai, during a pop concert, when filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra approached her to play the female


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January 6, 2009

Q&A with director Daniele Luchetti

Brother is an Only Child comes to DVD, we talk to the Italian director about improvisation, surviving drive-by shootings and not caring about the audience.
Based on the novel Il Fasciocomunista by Antonio Pennacchi, My Brother is an Only Child tells the story of Accio (Elio Germano), a headstrong youth growing up in southern Italy in the 60s and 70s, and his turbulent relationship with older brother Manrico (Riccardo Scamarcio). When Accio is drawn to the local communist party, Manrico follows his parents′ leanings and becomes a communist. As the years rolls on, ideological differences further strain their relationship with each other and their family.
Future Movies: Considering that the chemistry between the two leads was so vital, how difficult was the casting process?Daniele Luchetti: The most difficult thing was to find the main actor, for Accio, because he was described in the book and in the script as a thug, as an unintelligent boy, as a very muscular man. I looked at a lot of boxers for the actors and I wasn’t happy because every time I found the ‘right’ person he wasn’t so interesting. Elio Germano was the opposite of the character in the script. He’s clever and intelligent, and the idea of having an intelligent character doing stupid things is more interesting. [Accio has] a sensibility that pushes him into the idea of the radical, exaggerated, doing too much, too noisy. The antagonist to this character, the idea of Riccardo Scamarcio, is quite similar in Italy because he does a lot of teenager’s movies; he’s a big star. You feel excluded if your brother is a sex symbol, and he’s intelligent, he’s successful. That’s the character for me.
Neither of the leads lived through the events of the film, so was there anything you did to help them engage with that period of Italian history?No, they are involved in politics, they’re very committed. In Italy there are still some slices of young people still involved in politics. I know it sounds strange that in Italy we have so much interest in politics, but it is true.
There’s a great sense of fluidity throughout the film. Was there a lot of improvisation on set?It was very free, but only to do what I wanted! For me it was very important to work on the subtexts. Sometimes trying to reverse the apparent meaning of the scenes, for instance the scenes of fighting, I directed them as scenes of love, and when the brothers fight it’s a scene of love, non-expressive love, untold. Also, the scenes of love between Francesca, Accio and Manrico, are scenes of hate, scenes of fighting, scenes of pain, because Accio loves Francesca, but he cannot explain, so the subtext was pain. I didn’t care exactly to the lines [of the screenplay]. I kept them, but for me it was most important to keep the sensation that the dialogues are improvised.
Why did you choose to shoot so much using a handheld camera?Usually when you shoot a movie actors are obliged to get positions, and for me [the handheld camera] gives a lot of lenience to the performance of the actor. The director of photography gave me absolute freedom of shooting using natural light, and I kept hidden to the cameraman all the scenes before we were shooting, and asked him to see the scene with the actors through the camera as a documentary. Sometimes we were shooting with two or three cameras, with two opposite angles at the same time, to keep the freshness of the dialogue.
Did you allocate rehearsal time to practice that style of shooting?No, we didn’t rehearse at all, to keep the freshness of the performances. Sometimes after two or three or four takes I had to change lines because they were getting too precise, and to allow more material for the editing table afterwards. For example, the final scene between the brothers in the cafe I shot for two days, trying at least four different ways to do the scene; the first time with dialogue, the second time with different, political dialogue, the third time without dialogue, the fourth time just talking about stupid things as brothers do. That way, in the editing, I’ve found a thread, and you’ll see something that was similar to the script in the meaning, but not so literal.
What were the challenges in interpreting the original novel?Yes, it was difficult because the novel is autobiographical and it has no plot, so we had to find one. That was actually the easiest thing because you have two brothers who we haven’t met, and so you have a story between them there. The most difficult thing was to return to the old political discussions, because the book was full of discussions, full of small parties that have now disappeared, and to return to this one, this idea of making the characters talk the whole time about politics – that was the most important thing. It turned out it was impossible to talk about politics and be interesting! Because, if you are real, and you make characters from the 60s talk [about politics] then you cannot understand anything because the cultural references are lost. If you try to make it understandable for today, you are fake, so we cut out a lot.
You sought out people who were politically active during the period as you researched and co-wrote the screenplay. How did that inform the writing process?Well, the first source [of research] is the book, and the second source was my personal experience. In the 70s when I was in high school we had some political fights that were quite important, and I knew a lot of neo-fascists. Once I was in a bus-stop and I was shot at. They didn’t catch me; they got the wall behind me. It was all so fast, I didn’t understand anything. They passed me in the car and bang! I don’t know if they targeted me. Maybe it was because I was wearing a poncho, as it was a left-wing symbol. I tried to meet some fascist activists [during the writing stage], and usually they were working in the police or in personal security and as bouncers. It was funny and very tragic at the same time, because they believe in an illusion, in a very imaginative world, out of time.
The story has quite a light-hearted tone, despite the exploration of fascist and communist politics from the time. Were you ever concerned that the tone would alienate your audience?No, not really. We had a lot of ideological movies in this era in the 70s where we had to not show a story but we had to demonstrate something, we had to demonstrate that fascism was a monster, but now we have more distance, we can tell a story about this era without giving judgement. You can just show their feelings. Sometimes you were fascist by chance because your best friend was another fascist, but you weren’t ideologically committed. In honesty I didn’t really care about the audience, because if you think of the audience before the movie you cannot have any sincerity and you cannot predict what the audience will like. The only audience you can reference is yourself.

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January 5, 2009


Cinescape - Kuwait National Cinema Company was established in 1954 with a capital of 7,000,000 million rupees. The first theater to open in Kuwait was the roof-less (open-air) 1000 seat Cinema. Subsequently, all other theaters came into operation and by 1995 Cinescape - KNCC had a network of theaters most of which were traditional stage-theaters with large seating capacities.In response to development in the entertainment business globally, Cinescape - KNCC embarked on several new strategies. First, commencing in 1996, Cinescape - KNCC used luxurious shopping centers as prime locations for multi-screen theaters. Second, Cinescape - KNCC initiated a plan to renovate older theaters in an effort to enhance its corporate image. Finally, Cinescape - KNCC has upgraded its use of technology and leading the way in the region. On May 11th 2007, Cinescape - KNCC took a major step by installing the first Digital Cinema ever in the Middle-East and the Arab world. In regards to ticketing, Customers are able to buy tickets using Smart Cards via self-operated ticketing machines. In addition, customers can pre-book their favorite seats by phone or by internet and easily collect their tickets upon their arrival to the theaters. E-Ticketing service was introduced making it the first of its kind in the Middle East. Customers are able to buy tickets online using debit and credit cards. Furthermore, Cinescape - KNCC has added M-NET to its family of enabled payment methods. This means that tickets can be purchased through your mobile phone. With this, Kuwait became the second country in the world to enable mobile payments in theatersToday, with a capital of 10 Million K.D., the expansion and development of Cinescape - KNCC does not stop there, as in October 2007, the Avenues Cinema with 11 Theaters including 2 VIP cinemas was opened, making it the biggest theatre to date in Kuwait which is fully equipped with digital technology with over 50 flat screens broadcasting trailers, movie posters, the concession menu and timings of shows. In late 2008, Al-Bairaq Cinema with 3 screens will open. In 2009, Project 360 will hold 16 screens including VIP theaters and IMAX aswell. And In 2011, The Mall of Kuwait will be completed thus making the Cinema available in all corners of the country and we definitely will not stop there as plans for a regional expansion are already underway.

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January 4, 2009



When his parents were ill and admitted in a hospital, while visiting them and after experiencing the atmosphere for a long time, John Abraham began to think more about the people who must be ailing due to some disease for a long time and also began to get intense feelings regarding the reasons on why people should lead a healthy life.
All these thoughts culminated in the formation of a dream of being a catalyst in helping people get better health care by building a hospital.
John says "the hospital is a dream and there is nothing more satisfying in the world than healing".
But there is still a long way to go as the actor right now does not have the required finance to right away start the work on this project.
So it will take time for the hospital to become a reality and going by the strong determination of John and his past record of getting whatever he wants by sheer hard work, we can expect to see the healing centre to come up in the near future.
Then of course helping John to see his dream come true will be the blessings of all those poor people who he helped in getting their own houses.>Get Paid Money to Blog

January 3, 2009

Aamir Khan gives India its first Rs1 bn movie - Ghajini! Spicezee BureauMumbai, Dec 31: Aamir Khan’s ‘Ghajini’ will be written in golden words in the history of Indian cinema as it has brought India its first ever one billion bucks. Mr Perfectionist’s dedication and talent have finally paid off. Yes, the film that till yesterday was just a few bucks away from claiming the title of highest grosser this year has today not only become the biggest hit this year but also the most profitable film ever.
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Aamir Khan rewrote `Ghajini` climax: Director With this, the much-anticipated flick not only cut its potential competitor ‘Singh Is Kinng’ to bits and pieces but has also defied the recession-hit economy. And going by industry analysts, the whooping one billion bucks that the film has raked in is just the tip of the iceberg. After all, it’s only been a week since the film released. Observing the pace at which the cash registers are ringing, the film is touted to cross Rs 1.40 million mark by its second week. According to reports, just five days after it’s release, the film’s collection passed the collection of the other mega hit ‘Singh Is Kinng’, which opened with Rs 900 million worldwide. With such moolah coming his way, Aamir Khan is euphoric. Talking to a news daily, an overwhelmed Aamir said, "I'm very happy and thankful that the film is being appreciated by the audience so much. The hard work put in by the entire team is being appreciated by the people." Well, looks like the year’s never over till the last day passes by, for Bollywood has just got its real King!

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